Ladies on Records and The Polish Institute in Tel Aviv present "Polish Ladies on Records." The curated mixtape explores Poland's female singers of the 70s and 80s. Enjoy the sonic trip behind the iron curtain and explore some of the most exciting female voices and the Polish music scene's best orchestras.
Exclusive premiere -, June 30 (Tuesday), 20.00

Ewa Bem –Tokyo
Fiesta – W moim niebie nie ma gwiazd
Krystyna Prońko - Specjalne okazje
Halina Frąckowiak – Idę dalej
Ewa Bem - Sprzedaj mnie wiatrowi
Irena Jarocka – Witajcie w moim świecie
Krystyna Prońko – Byłeś, jesteś, będziesz
Zdzisława Sośnicka – Czarna woda, biały wiatr
Krystyna Prońko – Deszcz w Cisnej
Grażyna Łobaszewska - W najprostszych gestach
Mira Kubasińska - Gdzie mnie wiodą
Jadwiga Strzelecka – Ile trzeba słów
Beata Kozidrak – Wielka inwazja
Halina Frąckowiak - Małe jeziora
Zdzisława Sośnicka - W każdym moim śnie
The Polish music scene in the 70s and 80s was thriving, despite the harsh and gloomy political and social reality. Until the beginning of the 80s, the iron curtain seemed to be extraordinarily hermetic. However, artists and ordinary people succeeded in finding blind spots of the system throughout the decades. Forbidden music genres, unreachable instruments, banned products of western pop-culture leaked into the artistic environment and everyday life to some extent. Synthesizers, Moog, Rhodes organs found its way to fit into the local music. Funk, disco, and groovy rock took over the Polish music scene with an impressive female singers' contribution. The eclectic and progressive sound of Polish music from the late 70s and 80s got its widespread recognition thanks to the extraordinary female voices such as Ewa Bem, Krystyna Prońko, Zdzisława Sośnicka, Mira Kubasińska, to name a few. The curated mixtape "The Polish Ladies on Records" sheds some light on a few acknowledged and lesser-known singers with a special spotlight on their forgotten or overlooked songs. The distance of more than 40 years gives us a chance to listen to the songs with a universal perspective, with a knowledge of global trends and local limitations of the era.
The mixtape is created in a collaboration with The Polish Institute in Tel Aviv, whose mission is to present the Polish heritage worldwide, especially in Israel. Glad to see the Polish female singers from the 70s and 80s are chosen to be the ambassadors of the case.